Every year Metalfilms invests important resources in Research and Development regarding the optimisation of internal processes in order to make the company more competitive, in product research and innovation, and in quality improvement.


Research and development for the deposition of oxidised aluminium, commonly called AlOx, on films to generate a perfectly transparent oxygen barrier.


Innovative band metallisation system for film and paper that guarantees standardisation and high definition between the metallised and neutral parts.


Research and development of parchment paper metallisation for which a utility patent has been filed relating to metallisation of that specific paper.


Innovative metallised film for the manufacture of sails in the nautical industry for which a patent has been filed.

See presentation


Research and development of an innovative technical solution for the cleaning of the metallisation machine’s processing roller. A very important and delicate task required to guarantee the highest product quality as well as the machine operator’s safety.


Study and experimentations of depositing indium on automotive films.


Experimentation and integration of an anthropomorphic robot for glass edge grinding.


Research and design of a new algorithm for the work cycle process and itemised lists with automatic calculation of the cost of the sales price.